Company Policy
The company defined and adopted quality policy, environmental policy and OSH policy as an integral part of the company management policy in accordance with:
- primary purpose or mission of the company, which is the development, production and sales of metal interior and exterior equipment, metal constructions, metal elements of railway network for railway electrification and the service of locksmithery and metal machining,
- direction of the company, which is to increase the market share and gain new customers,
- basic vision of promotion and improvement, which is to establish innovations and new technological procedures in practice and thereby increase the quality of products and services, and to improve productivity,
- basic principles demonstrating that environmental management and safety and health of employees are among the highest priorities in the company,
- purpose that the company will achieve the best results in the production of goods and provision of services at the optimal use of basic and auxiliary materials with the minimum possible burden on the environment,
- purpose that the company will achieve the best results in the production of goods and provision of services, while avoiding the possible risks of injury or health problems of employees.
In accordance with the company’s commitment for quality management, environmental protection and risk management of safety and health of employees in performance of work, we implement the following activities to continuously improve the management system:
- comply with the legal and other requirements in the field of quality, environmental management and health and safety at work for industrial activities and services,
- we set real quality objectives, environmental as well as OSH objectives, for which we strive to realize them,
- provide appropriate and sufficient resources, including training, in order to achieve lasting compliance with the set policy and objectives,
- assess the performance of the company with regards to the policy and objectives and find ways of improving quality management, environmental management and the management of OSH,
- there is a process of evaluation and review of the management system in place with a view to determining opportunities for improvement of the system and consequently greater efficiency in terms of quality, environmental management and health and safety at work,
- inform and cooperate with stakeholders (customers, suppliers, neighbours, employees, government and administrative bodies….) in the field of quality management as well as environmental and OSH management.
We are committed to meet the requirements of product quality, continuously reduce the adverse effects of our activities on the environment, with emphasis on rational use of energy, waste management, and improving the working environment and to prevent OSH risks of employees, with a focus on preventive action and improvement.
Lahovče, 09.05.2016
Kovinc d.o.o.
Director: Damjan Žvelc