Improving Business Processes and Competitiveness
We inform you that the company is currently running an operation »Improving business processes and competitiveness of the company Kovinc« (PROKON Kovinc), co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund in the amount of 47.23%.
The operation has started on the 27th of October 2016. The expected date of the completion is on the 31st of May 2017.
The aim of the operation is to improve business processes in the company Kovinc relating to five business functions. It will be carried out with a view of reorganization of the employees in a way that the work could be carried out smoothly. In order to avoid unnecessary communication which is the most common source of delays and problems, we will first optimize the control and organization of production (over the responsibilities of the production), then the remaining processes.
Project objectives:
- improving productivity,
- achieving milestones,
- improving relations between employees,
- improving relationships with customers and suppliers,
- improving the arrangement of warehouses,
- improving financial management (liquidity).
The results from the beginning of the activities till now are visible through the improved relations between employees and storage arrangement. Progress has been made in achieving schedules, norms and higher productivity.
Link: ECP 2014-2020