Overhead Contact Line Elements for Railway Electrification

Elements for Railway Electrification

In 2009, Kovinc ključavničarstvo d.o.o., in cooperation with ELCOND Ingeniring, d.o.o., launched the production of metal elements that are used in implementing and renovating the electrification of overhead contact lines of Slovenian Railways.

The production includes:

  • all types of masts for M and LS overhead contact lines
  • anchoring and fastening equipment, overhead contact line holders such as: brackets, tensioners, mast tensioner clamps, cross links, bracket tensioner clamps, main silicon insulator supports, holders of main silicon insulator supports, regular P-type polygonal arms, reinforced K-type polygonal arms, polygonal arm fasteners, clamps for two polygonal levers, clamps for four polygonal levers etc.

The production process features strict use of the required materials and the processing technology includes laser cutting and robotic welding!

The manufactured elements comply with the stringent requirements and standards, as well as the Technical specifications for materials, equipment and machines, issued by the Slovenian Railways!

Our exclusive distributor of metal equipment for railway electrification is ELCOND ELCOND Ingeniring, d.o.o. (www.elcond-ing.si).

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  • Do you have experience in the manufacture of railway electrification equipment?
    Yes, we have experience.
  • Do you meet all the requirements for the manufacture of railway electrification equipment?
    Yes, we meet all the requirements for the manufacture of metal parts for railway electrification.
  • Do you have all the necessary certificates for the electrification of railways?
    We have obtained all certificates and necessary references for the production of rail network metal equipment.
  • What are your capacities in the manufacture of rail network metal equipment for railway electrification?
    Our capacities are between 300 to 500 tons of production of various metal equipment per month.
  • Do you also install metal equipment?
    Given that we are not professionally qualified for the installation of metal equipment for the electrification of railways, we do not perform the installation.
  • How is metal equipment protected against corrosion?
    All metal equipment is protected against corrosion according to the customer's requirements.
  • What is the lifespan of metal anti-corrosion equipment?
    Corrosion-protected metal equipment has a lifespan from 30 to 50 years.